Friday, May 19, 2006

Beer House

Beer House! This house was filled with Coors light cans after the renter drank 24 a day for 8 years. What a feat! LINK to article on

Friday time

I took some pictures of stuff and posted them on the internets. What a novel idea! Here's an example...
There's more new photos avalable for you to looks at.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Bee 4

BEES! I got pictures of em. You want to see em. Well here you go!

Also some other new stuff up, flowers and junk. New job has kept me quite busy but I plan on getting out this weekend and taking some shots. Hopefully down by the beach if it's nice.

OK later for now BEEyatches!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Jungle Trek!

Finally got the pictures of the trek from Mikey.
He was stuck in Bangkok for a few extra days because his passport was stolen on what was supposed to be his last night in Thailand. Shitty...
There are also pictures of my cousin's wedding up there.